The big mistakes guests always make at Disney theme parks that can ruin a holiday | The Sun

A WOMAN who has been going to Disneyland for more than. 20years has revealed some of the big mistakes guests make.

Alexandra Hurtado first visited in 1993, and been going to Disney theme parks ever since.

She has shared some of the things you should never do when you visit – and how to make your experience much better.

Don't watch the fireworks inside the park

The nightly firework shows are one of the most popular attractions – meaning they can be pretty busy.

Don't be tempted to watch them in the park as you'll be stuck in a busy crowd.

Instead, head outside the park – as there are better places to see them.

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Full list of who can skip queues at Disney theme parks & it’s more than you think

Alexandra said: "The evening spectacular can be viewed from the California Grill at Disney’s Contemporary Resort."

She added that the music at the show is also played at the restaurant, and you can return to watch if you ate there earlier in the day, just make sure to keep your receipt.

Avoid riding together

Next time you see a long ride queue, you may want to consider splitting up so you don't wait as long.

Some rides have single rider queues which are much shorter than the main ones.

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She said: "Every time I've utilized it, it's gone by quickly!"

There are lots of people who are allowed to skip the queue too

Don't queue for snacks

When hunger strikes, there is nothing worse than having to wait for ages just to get some snacks.

However, there is a way to avoid this – as you can preorder a collection via the Disney Experience app.

Alexandra said: "Simply order and pay in the app, then pick up your food after receiving a notification that it's ready."

Avoid leaving the park just before closing

Did you know you can still go on the rides when the park has closed?

Alexandra said as long as you are "in the queue before the park is scheduled to close" you will get on the ride.

Here are some other tricks and hacks when you visit the Disney parks.

And here is how the theme park rides trick you into thinking you are going faster than you are.

Source: Read Full Article

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