Woman leaves travellers stunned by very strange technique to avoid overweight luggage costs | The Sun

A WOMAN went to very extreme lengths at the airport when she was told her suitcase weighed too much.

TikTok user Taylor Watson is known for her pranks on her social media account taylormakesvideos.

In the video, which has been watched more than 3.3million times, it says: "This woman has an overweight bag. What she pulls out next is SO RIDICULOUS."

In the video, Taylor is seen at the check in desk with her pink suitcase.

After appearing to be told that her bag was too heavy, she pulled out an outfit to wear – which was a big chicken outfit.

However, it was still too heavy – so she pulled out a gorilla suit and put that on top as well.

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At this point, other passengers at the airport are looking at her stunned.

She keeps pulling out her outfits, whch included an avocado suit, three beanie hats along with a red mini dress and large scarf.

However, she then lifts the suitcase with her foot to make it weigh less on the scales when staff aren't looking – which means it is finally within the weight limit.

As the woman leaves with her huge outfit, the woman behind her shakes her head.

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The video ends by saying: "She gets away with it and wears this on the plane. Imagine going through security after."

Lots of people loved her "trick" to avoiding extra luggage costs – one person said: "That's the kind of girl I would marry."

A second wrote: "She is a legend what an awesome woman."

Another asked: "I’m wondering where she’s travelling to that she needs these outfits."

However, most people called it out for being a very clever prank.

One person said: "The fact that they managed to stage this at a busy check-in counter is remarkable."

Someone else agreed: "You can see it's a skit. That luggage is empty."

It is hardly the first time travellers have gone to drastic measures to avoid paying more.

In 2019, a woman wore 2 kilos of clothes because her bag was too heavy.

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One woman wore even more, after her bag was 4 kilos too heavy.

Another passenger went viral after he snapped his skateboard in half to avoid the £75 luggage fee for it.

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