Letters: We must protect the statehouse and family business from vandals equally (1/14/21) – The Denver Post

We must protect the statehouse and family business from vandals equally

Re: “Stop this madness,” Jan. 8 letter to the editor

Since the riots last Wednesday, The Post has published numerous letters in the Open Forum condemning President Donald Trump for his role and condemning the rioters. However, you have only published one view making a comparison between Trump’s followers and Black Lives Matter and Antifa. I know your paper leans to the left, but don’t be so blatant. Try, l know it’s hard, to show some semblance of balance!

The letter writer’s analysis of the turmoil in America this past year truly demonstrates that the “man in the street” gets it! I too have been perplexed that BLM and Antifi burned and looted American cities and states and federal buildings for months while many in the government and the media failed to call them criminals or terrorists. Many in the media even justified the mayhem and quoted Martin Luther King by stating that riots are “the language of the unheard.”

There is no difference between the statehouse and the White House. The owner of a family business and a congressman both need protection from rioters. We are all equal under the law. Now, the politically elite have experienced what people in Portland, St. Louis, Denver and many other American cities have dealt with this past year. All rioters, looters and terrorists should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. There should be no tolerance for this kind o behavior regardless of the grievances.

George H Wayne, Golden

Dispel election fraud claims

Re: “The wackadoos in the deep end with Trump,” Jan. 9 commentary

I want to express my gratitude for Megan Schrader’s column. I think the time has come to call out by name those committed to the continued spread of disinformation in support of President Trump’s lies, not to berate them, but to answer their false claims with the truth, as Schrader has nicely done. Her response to the lady in Colorado Springs is clear, factual, and convincing as it needs to be. Good work, Ms. Schrader.

William West, Denver

Thank you, Megan Schrader and The Denver Post, for the recent article that describes the “wackadoo” conspirators who have made multiple attempts to undermine trust in our democratic institutions.

The article also provides confidence-building information about what actually took place in the voting process. Much truth and many individuals have been compromised during the last four years. Thankfully, the free press, including The Denver Post, has survived the assault and continues to provide the coverage that is essential to democracy’s continuance.

Bill Kirton, Denver

Vaccinate 24/7

Only a small percentage of COVID-19 vaccines have been distributed to date, even though the CDC said that they’d have 20 million citizens inoculated by now.

To increase and aggressively roll out this program, instead of giving injections 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday, increase the time to 24/7. Twenty four hours are the great equalizer, regardless of your age, income, or nationality. So, in reducing COVID cases, we’ll be saving lives; getting people back to work, thereby improving our economy; creating a sense of normalcy, and eradicating this pandemic.

Because our federal government made no blanket mandate but rather handed over the vaccine rollout to individual states, it becomes a competition. Let’s make Colorado the winner in this race for our lives!

Berith Jacobsen, Denver

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