Alan Tudge won’t return to cabinet after report into affair with staffer

Former education minister Alan Tudge will not return to the front bench in this term of parliament following the release of the Thom report into his relationship with his former staffer, Rachelle Miller.

A statement released late on Friday by the Prime Minister’s office said Dr Vivienne Thom, a former inspector-general of intelligence, had examined the “serious allegations” raised by Ms Miller last December.

Alan Tudge and his former staffer Rachelle Miller.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

The minister’s former media adviser alleged that during their affair Mr Tudge was emotionally abusive and on one occasion physically abusive while the pair were travelling together for work.

Mr Tudge denied the allegations but he stood aside temporarily at the request of Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

“Ms Miller and Minister Tudge were invited to take part in this process by Dr Thom and the investigation was aimed at properly assessing views by a number of parties in relation to these issues. Ultimately, Ms Miller chose not to participate in the inquiry but the inquiry was able to draw on her public statements,” Mr Morrison said.

“Dr Thom and the Department have sought to engage Ms Miller throughout this process through her nominated representative.

“Dr Thom found that ‘the evidence considered in this Inquiry does not provide a basis for a finding that Mr Tudge’s conduct breached the Ministerial Standards’. I have accepted her advice.”

Both Ms Miller and Mr Tudge have been provided with a copy of the report.

Mr Morrison added that Mr Tudge had on Friday “informed me that in the interests of his family and his own well-being and in order to focus on his re-election as the Member for Aston he is not seeking to return to the frontbench, and I support his decision”.

Ms Miller did not participate in the review over concerns that the terms of reference forbade scrutiny of one of her principal allegations.

She also, at the time, had been told she may not be provided with an unredacted version of the report, which she believed would allow Mr Tudge to claim the full version vindicated him.

Stuart Robert will continue as Acting Minister for Education and Youth as well as Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business.

“These matters are deeply distressing both for Ms Miller and Mr Tudge, and the families who are affected by these events, and I know today will be a difficult day for them,” Mr Morrison said.

“Support will continue to be available to Ms Miller, Mr Tudge and any current or former staff impacted by this report, should they seek it, through our Parliamentary Workplace Support Service or the Parliamentary Support Line.”

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