AMANDA PLATELL: Cynical mob betraying doctors who DO care for patients

PLATELL’S PEOPLE: Cynical mob betraying the doctors who do care for patients

This week, when I had my legs waxed (bear with me), my beautician spotted a suspicious-looking mole on my thigh.

She told me to get it checked by a doctor immediately as I have a history of skin cancer.

It took a while, but I finally got through to my GP’s surgery — to be told I could have a phone ‘appointment’ with him in four hours’ time.

Here we go, I thought. 

After all, I know from experience, it’s far easier for doctors to tell the difference between a benign and malignant mole if they look at it closely using specialist optical equipment. That means a face-to-face appointment.

Yet when the doctor phoned, he asked me to send a picture of my mole from my mobile. 

I finally got through to my GP’s surgery – to be told I could have a phone ‘appointment’ with him in four hours’ time. Here we go, I thought. [File picture]

Thankfully, after he received it, he was heroic and told me to get to the surgery first thing.

So, yes, it was a battle. But despite the overwhelming pressure on GPs because of Covid and the backlog in untreated cases, I did get my face-to-face appointment.

My GP, like so many, is working in difficult circumstances and the incident restored my faith in the NHS – which, admittedly, has been in the balance over recent months given how difficult it is to get an appointment.

And this is what I find so bewildering about the GPs’ trade union, the Left-wing BMA, and its decision to threaten industrial action in the row over in-person appointments.

Following a campaign by the Mail, Health Secretary Sajid Javid has put forward a package to help patients, saying doctors can only deny them face-to-face meetings if there is a sound clinical reason

Why jeopardise all that public goodwill by issuing this grotesque, reckless threat in the middle of a Covid surge, when numerous reports warn that the fall-off in surgery consultations has cost lives?

Following a campaign by the Mail, Health Secretary Sajid Javid has put forward a package to help patients, saying doctors can only deny them face-to-face meetings if there is a sound clinical reason.

And the Care Quality Commission revealed this week that remote GP consultations and the difficulties many have in contacting their GPs lead to poor patient outcomes.

I know many GPs have been working magnificently during the pandemic. And I am extremely grateful to my doctor for acting so swiftly — given the circumstances.

It’s just I feel that, if the BMA has its way, I’ll never see my GP again. 

TV historian Mary Beard is an enthusiast for toppling statues of men deemed either offensive, like slaver Edward Colston, or no longer relevant. 

While I adore Mary, I wonder whether, at her venerable age, she should really be encouraging people to push over old relics.

Angelina’s new drastic band 

The eternally slim Angelina Jolie wore a ‘chin cuff’ — a gold contraption that hangs from her bottom lip and goes under her chin — to the premiere of her new movie.

The cuff’s designer says it made her look like a female superhero, others conclude it’s just a silly stunt to get attention for another dud movie. 

The eternally slim Angelina Jolie wore a ‘chin cuff’ (pictured) – a gold contraption that hangs from her bottom lip and goes under her chin – to the premiere of her new movie

My view is it’s a lip-version of a gastric band – with that contraption on you can’t drink or eat anything except thin gruel, through a straw.

Now our home-grown South London girl Emma Raducanu has become the new face of Dior, appearing in one of their evening gowns at the premiere of Bond, its chief designer (Maria Grazia Chiuri) says her frocks ‘empower women to feel confident’.

What woman would not feel confident in a dress worth thousands of pounds?

A woke fright at the opera 

In light of the BLM movement, the Royal Opera House is re-examining classic works so performances do not offend modern ‘cultural sensitivities’.

That’s my favourite opera Madame Butterfly for the chop then, with accusations of colonialism, American occupation of Japan and all. 

It’s about a Japanese girl Cio-Cio-San, or Butterfly, who is seduced and tricked into a sham marriage by American naval officer Pinkerton. 

She has his baby, then stabs herself to death when she sees him with an American wife.

Oh, yes, she’s only 15, so that’s child abuse we can add to Puccini’s disgrace.

London mayor Sadiq Khan sets up a £1 million fund for grants to help offended residents ‘decolonise’ and change their street names in the capital. 

So Rhodes Avenue in London’s Muswell Hill could become Mandela Drive. 

Surely the cash could instead have been spent tackling the stabbings of mostly young black men in London’s streets, up a quarter this year, the highest on record.

A former police chief claims Spain’s exiled and disgraced king, Juan Carlos, who is reported to have slept with more than 5,000 women, was injected with female hormones to curb his libido as his licentiousness was a danger to the state.

A tip for Mrs Carrie Johnson perhaps?

A bedtime story 

Mum-of-two Gwyneth Paltrow’s secret to a good night’s sleep is going to bed with your husband at 8.30 every night but not before meditating, body massaging and languishing in a bath filled with her £25 Martini bath soak – and then following up with an orgasm.

Mum-of-two Gwyneth Palrow’s secret to a good night’s sleep is going to bed with your husband at 8.30 every night but not before meditating, body massaging and languishing in a bath filled with her £25 Martini bath soak – and then following up with an orgasm

Most worn-out working mums I know would be grateful just to collapse into bed late at night after a stiff G&T and supper.

We’re all worried about our beloved Queen. 

Cancelled visit, an overnight stay in hospital, now the gruelling prospect of attending Cop26. 

Give Her Majesty a break. 

To paraphrase the Bible: ‘What does it profit a ma’am to gain the whole world and forfeit her health?’ 

The public back JK 

It was back in June last year when J. K. Rowling responded to an article about ‘people who menstruate’ with the comment: ‘I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?’

A volley of abuse from the Woke Brigade followed, determined to ‘cancel’ her career. Her very own Harry Potter stars, Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, denounced her.

Now, showing what the public thinks about it all, her latest book The Christmas Pig has topped the UK charts, her 16th No 1 bestseller.

Good on J. K. for sticking to her guns. As her boy magician says: ‘I am what I am, an’ I’m not ashamed.’

Former BBC Breakfast presenter Bill Turnbull is taking time off from his Classic FM show to concentrate on his health, having been diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2017. 

Former BBC Breakfast presenter Bill Turnbull is taking time off from his Classic FM show to concentrate on his health, having been diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2017

Let’s hope the love of millions of viewers and listeners, myself included, can help this wonderful man in the months ahead. 

Because, Bill, it’s there for you. 

An Afghan interpreter left behind by the British says that after a long silence UK officials are finally trying to contact the forgotten hundreds hiding in the country in fear of their lives. 

They are advised to ‘remain patient’ and ‘stay safe’. 

Why the deadly delay when the Americans already have flights in place to rescue their translators? Perhaps our officials are working from home.

Westminster Wars 

  • Parading his eco-agenda before an audience of billionaires, Boris said he was channelling the passion of Gordon Gekko declaring: ‘Green is good!’ He should have stuck to the original ‘greed’ is good given his plans to plunder our pockets with £1 trillion in spending. 
  • Doomster Prof Neil Ferguson warns that unless we’ve all been booster jabbed, we are heading for Plan B-plus, code for another Christmas lockdown. I’m planning for Plan C — as in Carrie, who had her bestie Nimco Ali stay last year to help with childcare. I’ve invited a few mates to come and stay in my bubble over Christmas to help me with my cat, Ted.
  • Not a single Cabinet minister has said they have a heat pump after journalists asked all 30 of them. Proof all their green promises are nothing more than hot air?

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