Astrologer on whats in store for your star sign in 2023 – from career to love

Have you been wondering what's in store for you in 2023?

The truth could be written in the stars – and astrologer Russell Grant is here to give you some answers.

The Daily Star expert gave insights into each star sign and how they could be impacted in relationships, career and more. Check them out below.

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Spending time with people who lift your spirits, honour your worth and support your dreams will make a big difference to your emotional wellbeing between now and March 6.

Saturn prompts you to look for quality over quantity in relationships.

You can appear to be self-reliant to the outside world but a big part of you seeks approval and validation from others.

People who take any opportunity to drag you down will cause you to feel depressed.

For the sake of health and happiness, cut ties with relationships, circumstances and habits that no longer serve you.

Inner peace will be your primary goal for the best part of 2023.


Life doesn’t have to be all about hard work and responsibility.

When the going gets tough, Jupiter in your private zone up until mid-May reminds you that at times you will need a quiet corner in your life where you can forget your cares and woes.

When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with career, family or financial problems, retreat to a private hideaway.

Some peace and privacy will do your spirit the world of good and time alone helps you get everything in perspective.

More time will be spent in the spotlight during the latter half of the year.

Your practical and positive outlook will attract some great opportunities for growth.


If the thought of travel or getting an advanced degree fills you with excitement, embark on a plan between March 23 and June 11.

That’s when powerful Pluto will help you venture into greener pastures.

Neptune at the top of your chart urges you to find more time for activities that make you happy.

Pursuing a career that appeals to your imagination and allows you to make a positive impact will fill your heart with joy.

Working in an artistic arena like fashion, film or photography will be very lucrative for you, and when you do what you love, the money will follow.


Your ambition will be strong with Jupiter at the top of your chart until mid-May.

Your main focus will be on climbing the ladder to success.

Getting the fame and acclaim you desire will uplift your soul.

A lot of your joy and happiness in the spring will come from other people. Calling on the assistance of some socially prominent friends will help you realise a cherished dream.

Upbeat Jupiter and offbeat Uranus will inspire you to mix with some highly original people in the summer.

A few of your new friends will help you adjust to attitudes and habits that deepen your appreciation of life.


Growing closer to the special people in your life will be the biggest trend in 2023.

When you are living in harmony with others, life becomes more meaningful.

Happy relationships will bring you the inner peace and happiness you ultimately desire.

When you feel content emotionally, your physical health will improve too.

If you want to get engaged or married, the period between January 3 and January 26 will be ideal.

A Lunar Eclipse on May 5 will remind you how important your family is to you.

Spending more time with your nearest and dearest will help you relax and rejuvenate.

Travelling to new and different places will feel uplifting in the summer.


Sudden opportunities to expand your horizons will occur throughout 2023, thanks to the influence of spontaneous Uranus.

Seize every opportunity to take courses, go on trips and try new hobbies during the first half of the year.

Uranus retrograde from August 24 warns you to take precautions to avoid situations that are unfamiliar and make you feel uncomfortable.

If your car or computer breaks down, resist the urge to fix the problem yourself. Put it in the hands of an expert.

Radical changes could have an adverse effect on your health. Stay calm, plan ahead and you will be more likely to avoid little mix-ups and accidents.


Saturn inspires you to develop your raw creative talent between now and March 6.

Painting, drawing, photography or taking up a musical instrument will give you a new lease of life. The more you practise, the happier you will be.

Establishing a sensible routine in the spring will improve both your physical and financial health.

Taking regular exercise, preparing nutritious meals and getting plenty of sleep will boost your productivity and improve your mood.

Although you’re a free spirit, you will enjoy creating a relaxing rhythm that becomes as natural as breathing.


When there is tension in the home, your health will suffer.

Face up to your responsibilities as problems in the family will not be solved if you walk away.

Finding solutions to domestic issues as they arise will help you avoid unpleasant arguments.

To preserve your health, you will need to establish a more relaxed family routine.

An improved living situation will be yours for the taking between March 23 and June 11.

Your willingness to establish roots in an up-and-coming neighbourhood will pay off handsomely and this could bring the emotional security you crave.

The summer is a great time to realise a fantasy.


With Jupiter favouring romance and hobbies between January and May, it will be important to flex your creative muscles.

Take any opportunity to put your vivid imagination to use.

Paint, perform, write or play music… it doesn’t matter what activity you choose as long as it speaks to your heart.

Friendship could turn to romance if you are single. Shared experiences will bring you a happiness you’ve never felt before.

Overindulgence in food and drink will take a toll on your body.

You can still have fun while adopting healthier practices.

Transformative Pluto will prompt you to explore cutting-edge ideas about spirituality, time and space.


Financial ups and downs are a part of life.

When money is tight, remind yourself that the amount you have does not define your self-worth.

Creative pursuits can be a welcome distraction from economic anxiety.

You could discover a hidden talent that will cause you to see the world in a different and more positive light.

With Pluto preparing to leave your sign, you are at the start of a personal transformation when you will be breaking away from habits and concepts of the past and changing your way of thinking.

Include exercise in your daily routine and start following a nutritious diet.


Taking good care of your health will make you more productive during the first quarter of the year.

Responsibilities linked with the past could prevent you from taking up new opportunities and while this situation might seem unfair, some surprising experiences in the spring will lead to a positive change.

This is when you see restrictions of the past as blessings in disguise.

Changes in your family life will give you more freedom to follow your dreams in the summer.

You will radiate happiness like a magnet, your confidence will start to soar and your upbeat outlook will attract all sorts of good opportunities.


Private matters will need attention as the year begins and there are some plans you will want to keep secret until you feel more certain about the future.

Not knowing quite how things are going to work out can make you feel tense and nervous.

Some brisk exercise and keeping active will help take the edge off your anxiety.

Painful joints and general aches and pains should not be ignored in the summer.

Talk to your doctor about any health problem that interferes with your daily routine.

It may be necessary, for the sake of your wellbeing, to look for a more relaxing line of work or a new place to live.


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