Believe it, achieve it: Five manifestation success stories

In many ways, manifestation has become the new vaping.

‘Did you practice gratitude this morning?’ has become the new ‘do you even vape, bro?’

You see, we are living in a time of intense introspection. Maybe it was due to our forced confinement, but we have never been more self-aware of our wants, needs, desires and how to get them.

Manifestation isn’t a new ideology. Thought leaders such as Eckhart Tolle have been talking about it for centuries – and it sounds simple in theory.

In basic terms, the law of attraction is all about good vibes. You put them out and you get them right back. Example: You walk into a coffee shop and tell the barista it’s the best latte you have ever had. More than likely they smile, become ever radiant and may even throw in a free bun.

But if you were to walk into the same cafe ranting, raving and telling the barista you believe that the latte they made was put on earth to kill you, chances are you’ll get thrown out.

In 2006, manifestation became a whole new juggernaut when The Secret was released. Written by Rhonda Byrne, it inspired a whole new generation to take control of their lives and make their dreams a reality with some simple steps.

However, some still question the validity of manifesting and all it entails. ‘Mumbo jumbo’ or a ‘poor man’s witchcraft’ are just some of the critiques thrown around.

Nonetheless, those who manifested their dreams swear by its power. From book deals to marriage, they are the law of attraction success stories.

And here, we chat to them.

Nadia Simpson

‘I first got into manifestations through the book and film The Secret. My older brother introduced me to this film and I watched it every single night throughout my first year of university. It inspired me to start my own business and I created my first vision board when I was in my second year of university. I printed pictures of things I wanted to achieve both long term goals and short term.

‘At the time, I put a picture of Forbes magazine on my board with my brand logo stuck at the bottom of it. I was just a university student with no broad network so I really did not know how I’d get a feature in Forbes, but I believed that I would get there. I stuck the board directly above my bed so I woke up to it every morning.

‘I started going to networking events pre-Covid and met people who knew how to network and reach out to journalists. This led me to meeting a Forbes contributor and I was able to pitch my socially driven business to her.

‘Manifesting taught me to stop thinking about the how but to believe with every bone in my body that I can get what I want and that I’m the creator of my reality.’

Dimple Athavia

‘As a drinks industry professional, when I was working for organisations I always found it frustrating when I would make recommendations or suggestions to the company leaders. They always found the ideas too difficult to integrate with their set structure.

‘So I realised that what I had was an entrepreneur’s mindset. As soon as I started seeing myself as an entrepreneur, it was as if a door was unlocked, behind which was a world of infinite possibilities!

‘I then manifested my entire business from scratch – from company name, website colours, look and feel, products, ideal customers – all the way to how it will grow in the coming future. The result is now my business called All Things Drinks.’

Nicola Geismar

‘I first got into manifestation because I was aware of my limiting blocks and thoughts that kept coming up over the years. I got really curious as to what these thoughts were about and learned that on a conscious level you can want for something, but it’s the subconscious that really holds the power. And a lot of the time, that it what is holding you back.

‘For me affirmations and positive thinking are only two small pieces of the pie. The reprogramming of the subconscious via meditation, embodied energetic movement practice and hypnosis is what really supports the subconscious to reprogram new beliefs.

‘Since embarking on this journey I have manifested a trip to Cuba, aligned with dream clients and secured work gigs and workshops on worldwide stages.’

Jo Threlfall

‘After a cervical cancer scare and surgery, I was resting and read a lot about mindfulness. I was reading Vex King’s Good Times and Good Vibes book in my recovery time and it really opened my eyes to spirituality.

‘It allowed me to see that my thoughts controlled my future and that manifesting through journalling and visualisation can help me achieve anything that I desire. I looked into the law of attraction and started to learn more about manifestation and tested it to see how it would work.

‘I learnt to let go of a lot of negative energy and be grateful of what I have. I also started to embrace life more by living in the present and taking each day as it comes. By following this mindset, I landed my dream job and built my own team. I also found my dream apartment in Manchester and live in a city that I absolutely adore.

‘I got the job after posting on LinkedIn a week after I got the all clear from my cervical surgery. I got a DM and two days later I was offered the job. It happened so quickly, and to top it off the agency I work for is called Embryo which is ironic considering what happened to me in 2020 health wise.’


‘Over the past 25 years, I have manifested my amazing career as a psychic with lots of TV opportunities. I was the astrologer for Elle magazine, had a regular radio spot on talkSPORT radio and more.

‘I found my husband to my very particular specifications, like star sign and hair colour. I manifested four kids despite being declared infertile. I lost nine stone. I bought and sold properties at the height of the economic crash. And now, I also teach people how to manifest.’

Do you have a story to share?

Get in touch by emailing [email protected].

Source: Read Full Article

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