Britains most tattooed man still looking for love as women friendzone him

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If Tinder was anything to go by, Britain’s most tattooed man is a much sought after bachelor.

The 42-year-old effortlessly gets matches on the dating app and he has enjoyed casual hook ups – but unfortunately it hasn’t led to anything serious.

Born Matthew Whelen – but now known as Body Art – the tattoo addict believes some women struggle to see past his heavily inked skin.

Speaking exclusively to Daily Star on World Tattoo Day, he said: “My Tinder is always full and I’m always going out on dates but it tends to never really come to anything.

“I am more of a friend zone type person with some people.”

And Body Art – whose name in full is King Of Inkland King Body Art The Extreme Ink-ite – said women on Tinder constantly ask about his tatts.

The body mod fan, who is often referred to as the most inked man in the UK, said: “If you are on Tinder it’s not just about personality for some people – they have to be physically attracted to you.

“And I would say nine out of 10 people will ask about my tattoos on Tinder after matching.

“I have become a bit of a robot to it.

“I have like a chip programmed inside me to respond to certain questions. It’s almost as natural as saying, ‘Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for your order’?”

Before the pandemic Body Art, from Birmingham, blasted “shallow” women who he claimed only sleep with him if they are fascinated about his appearance.

In 2019 he said: “I have a very active social life. But I haven’t had much luck finding love.

“A lot of women are put off by my tattoos or it makes them really curious. I’m a bit like Marmite so you either like them or you don’t.”

And he added: “I’m nearly 40 so I would like to settle down and have a family. But at the same time I understand that the way I look might create an issue for some people.

“A lot of women are really shallow and only go for guys with Love Island-type bodies. Then I get other women who are just interested in me because of my tattoos.”

Three years later, he is now 42 and he is still searching for his soulmate.

But Body Art, who has his eyeballs inked, remains upbeat and is enjoying life.

He said: “I’ve had relationships and stuff like that. I’m single at the minute but I’ve got kind of girlfriends.

“You attract different types. One girl I was seeing was a bit of a psycho and the girl that I really wanted to see really didn’t like the stares and stuff when we were out and the attention I got.”

Body Art himself is used to people staring since getting over 90% of his body inked throughout his adult life.

He got his first tattoo aged 18 having dreamed of having one from the age of was nine.

And he broke his own record in 2016 by allowing 36 different artists to tattoo his body at the same time.

His worst experience was being stabbed for his extreme appearance in 2009 – but now it’s just judgement and curiosity he contends with.

And speaking of the attention he gets, he described last week how kids in Tesco point and call him “scary”.

He added: “Do I like it? Yes and no. It is a strange thing because I would like to be a colourful shadow just blending in but when you are a big colourful comedian like me it is hard.

“On a night out for example you want to give people the courtesy if they ask a question but when you’re out with your friends and they have heard the questions a thousand times it gets a bit much.”

  • Exclusives
  • Tattoos
  • Body Modification
  • Tinder
  • Tesco

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