Covid anxiety caused my wife to attack me with a knife | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: MY wife attacked me with a knife. Thankfully, I managed to wrestle it from her but I’ve been left completely shocked.

She has never acted like this before.

We are both 48 and have been together for more than 20 years.

She has become very anxious about going out or letting anyone in our council flat.

Then the local authoriy contacted us explaining they needed access to the flat to install new windows.

My wife had Covid at the time, so I managed to delay them.

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But when I explained to her that eventually we would have to give access otherwise the council would take legal action, she became very aggressive.

l restrained her on the bed and she lashed out at me, marking my neck, scratching the top of my head and tearing off my T-shirt.

She then picked up a carving knife and told me to leave her alone.

She has become someone I don’t know. I have no idea what to do.

Her anxiety has escalated to an extreme level.


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DEIDRE SAYS: Explain to her that you are worried about her and that she needs professional help.

Ask that she talks to her GP.

Go with her, if you can, for support and ask that she gets a referral to your local mental health team.

You can also find support through Mind (, 0300 123 3393).

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