DAN WOOTTON: BBC's sickest trick is turning Shamima Begum into a celeb

DAN WOOTTON: Magazine covers, TV specials and a podcast series claiming she’s not a monster – why showing ISIS terrorist Shamima Begum’s bid to become a celebrity is the sickest trick yet from British Bashing Corporation otherwise known as the BBC

As if she’s a Hollywood film star obsessing over celebrity magazines covering the latest twists and turns in her colourful private life, ISIS terrorist Shamima Begum started attacking the British media for exposing her horrific crimes against humanity.

‘What was there to obsess over? We went to ISIS, that was it, it was over. They just wanted to continue the story because it was a story – it was the big story,’ she sneered like a sulky teenager.

You’d imagine such shameless propaganda would be confined to marginalised pro-ISIS corners of the dark web.

But last night, our so-called public service broadcaster spewed out 90-minutes of this vomit-inducing crap and I am furious about it.

The British Bashing Corporation otherwise known as the BBC has decided Shamima Begum deserves rehabilitation, despite admitting that when she defected to ISIS she KNEW she was leaving the UK for good and felt ‘relieved’ about her decision.

As if she’s a Hollywood film star obsessing over celebrity magazines covering the latest twists and turns in her colourful private life, ISIS terrorist Shamima Begum started attacking the British media for exposing her horrific crimes against humanity

But, according to the Beeb’s narrative, as a Muslim teenager growing up on the racist, Islamophobic streets of East London, it wasn’t really her fault that she chose to defect to a death cult that had already started a vicious campaign of terror, including the beheading of Brits.

So first the BBC commissioned a glamorous podcast series aimed at young people titled I’m Not a Monster, just in case anyone was confused about their editorial position on Shamima.

And last night, BBC2 handed over 90-minutes of its primetime schedule to broadcast The Shamima Begum Story, where the stateless ghoul was given the chance to totally rewrite her narrative.

We’re now meant to believe Shamima is a victim, you see.

Shockingly, this twisted campaign seems to be working.

At the weekend, Begum appeared on the front of the prestigious Times Magazine.

Dressed in a western outfit, complete with Nike hat, designed to convince us she has changed, the cover line trumpeted, alongside promotion of the latest Hollywood movie and winter stew recipes: ‘Unveiled: The Confessions of Shamima Begum.’

Remember this is the same Shamima who, when she was first tracked down to a Syrian camp, refused to express remorse for the ISIS Manchester Arena bombings, where 22 innocent Britons were slaughtered, including eight-year-old Saffie-Rose Roussos.

When asked to apologise to the British victims then, she snarled: ‘It’s a two-way thing really because women and children are being killed back in Islamic State right now. And it’s kind of retaliation.’

Last night, BBC2 handed over 90-minutes of its primetime schedule to broadcast The Shamima Begum Story, where the stateless ghoul was given the chance to totally rewrite her narrative

At that point, it was obvious what sort of monster we were dealing with: A treasonous traitor who could never be trusted and certainly shouldn’t be paraded as a glamorous victim on the cover of a b****y magazine.

The Home Secretary Sajid Javid rightly stripped Begum of her citizenship, insisting the decision was morally and legally right, given her Bangladeshi heritage, to protect the British people and that we’d all do the same if we knew what he knew.

But Begum, following the celebrity playbook and using the platform provided by the BBC, last night unbelievably decided to blame the media organisations who tracked her down for her current troubles.

She whined: ‘I felt very used by the journalists. I felt they did not care about my mental health and where my mind was at that time.’

Begum told the BBC puff piece she now ‘regrets’ her words and apologised to the victims by saying: ‘I’m so sorry that you went through this.’

But those words are hollow.

Begum has been PR trained to within an inch of her life by the various hard-left lawyers, activists and media figures who have had unbridled access to her in the camp for the past few years.

They know that a massive turnaround in public opinion is required if Begum is ever going to be able to return.

So her well-rehearsed line is that she just had to keep spouting pro-ISIS bull on camera because otherwise she would be murdered by female terrorists at the Al-Roj camp in northeast Syria, where she rightly continues to languish.

As ever with the BBC, I think much of their embrace of Begum comes down to grotesque identity politics.

Dan Wootton

Bleeding heart Beeb staff allow Shamima and her friends to present a picture of a disadvantaged ‘brown girl’ from East London who felt like a ‘black sheep’ in modern British society because of her Muslim religion being groomed and manipulated by a terror group.

To hell with the fact that the Home Office and MI5 still believe Begum would pose a threat to national security and that she joined ISIS ‘with her eyes open’.

There has been no such campaign to rehabilitate Jihadi Jack Letts, a middle-class white teenager from Oxford who doesn’t engender the same sympathy from the liberal establishment.

I’d love to know how the families of British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning – both good men beheaded by ISIS – feel about the relentless push to present Begum as the victim.

Because we know what they think about the clear and present threat she poses to British society.

David’s daughter Bethany Haines has described her as a ‘ticking time bomb’, while Alan’s brother Paul Henning rightly labelled her ‘evil scum’.

Last night’s rewriting of history on primetime TV might have accepted her flat denials, but I believe the reports that Begum spent her time in ISIS working as a member of the barbaric morality police, carrying a Kalashnikov rifle and ensuring women stuck to their sick rules while helping to sew suicide vests for male jihadists.

Showing the immoral bid to transform Shamima Begum from terrorist to celebrity cover star shames the BBC and reveals clearly why I am convinced the corporation no longer has the best interests of Britain at its heart.

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