DAN WOOTTON: Prince Harry now appears to be blackmailing his family

DAN WOOTTON: Prince Harry now appears to be blackmailing the Royal Family – his threats of further revelations unless his and Meghan’s unhinged demands are met must stop before King Charles even thinks about reconciliation

It’s emotional blackmail on a global scale.

Issue a grovelling apology to my wife and I against your better judgement.

Then forgive us for spilling your biggest secrets and darkest moments, laced with the most grotesque criticism to which you can’t respond, to the highest bidder – or there’s even worse to come.

That was the twisted threat from Prince Harry briefed personally, somewhat ironically, given his apparent hatred of the British Press, to one of his favourite propagandists in the print media at the weekend.

The Duke of Delusion warned sinisterly in yet another deranged interview that he has a further 400 pages of material ready to publish, including further toxic revelations about his father and brother

In this climate, it’s not only impossible to imagine Charles and William being able to reconcile with Harry, it’s also reckless

The Duke of Delusion warned sinisterly in yet another deranged interview that he has a further 400 pages of material ready to publish, including further toxic revelations about his father and brother.

That prompted a royal source to tell The Sunday Times that ‘right now, he’s holding a gun to their heads’.

Not so lovely ‘Haz’ revealed to Bryony Gordon of The Daily Telegraph that he didn’t include those stories in Spare because ‘I don’t think they (King Charles and Prince William) would ever forgive me’.

But he goes on to his nodding dog interviewer: ‘Now you could argue that some of the stuff I’ve put in there, well, they will never forgive me anyway.

‘But the way I see it is, I’m willing to forgive you for everything you’ve done, and I wish you’d actually sat down with me, properly, and instead of saying I’m delusional and paranoid, actually sit down and have a proper conversation about this, because what I’d really like is some accountability. And an apology to my wife.’

I’d laugh if this idiocy didn’t threaten the international reputation of the British Royal Family.

Apologise for what, you fool? Charles funded your wife’s extravagant demands and and then the Palace helped hide forever the findings of an independent investigation into her alleged bullying of multiple staff members.

You should be buying your dad a pint of organic beer, not demanding the new monarch issue a grovelling apology to our second most unpopular royal.

It’s emotional blackmail on a global scale. Issue a grovelling apology to my wife and I against your better judgement. Then forgive us for spilling your biggest secrets and darkest moments, laced with the most grotesque criticism to which you can’t respond, to the highest bidder – or there’s even worse to come. Pictured: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex at Windsor Castle 

In Spare, Harry has painted Wills as an angry, balding, cold egomaniac who was never there for him and physically attacked him twice recently 

The idea that William, who, yes, still loves his brother, will be party to any sort of grovelling apology to appease Harry is for the birds. But Charles too needs to man up and realise that the appeasement strategy he has employed to deal with Harry has failed spectacularly 

By the way, isn’t it telling that Harry has so many close friends working in senior roles in the media that he’s only ever interviewed by his BFFs?

That’s why he can make these unhinged threats to the likes of Gordon, ITV’s Tom Bradby and CNN’s Anderson Cooper, and why he’s never speaking to an unbiased journalist who could challenge the ridiculousness of what he’s suggesting.

But Dirty Harry wasn’t finished there.

He told Gordon, who, yet again, failed to ask for any evidence, that the press ‘have got a s*** tonne of dirt about my family,’ adding: ‘I know they have, and they sweep it under the carpet for juicy stories about someone else.’


What are these stories and what does their existence suggest about the behaviour of your family members?

Of course, this is just yet another unproven smear from Harry that he laughably claims is ‘not about trying to collapse the monarchy’ but ‘about trying to save them from themselves’.

It’s also a laughable notion to suggest for one moment that the British Press try to cover up negative stories about the Royal Family, given it was newspapers here that first revealed Prince Andrew’s friendship with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and doggedly pursued the story for a decade, against the wishes of most of the establishment, until he lost his formal role.

Prince Harry’s book, Spare, was released on January 10 and quickly became one of the fastest selling non-fiction books ever

Even in the past year, it’s British newspapers who have revealed a host of damaging stories about Charles’ questionable relations, including the extraordinary revelation that, when Prince of Wales, he accepted £3 million from a Qatari sheik in banknotes stuffed into Fortnum & Mason carrier bags.

But it suits Harry’s delusional narrative to suggest the media are only interested in negative stories about the Sussexes.

The truth isn’t what this is about; Harry is doing everything possible to damage his family with the suggestion of dodgy revelations to come, without ANY actual evidence, something he would be furious about if the media were doing the same.

As ever, his nasty attention is particularly targeted at William.

The Prince of Wales – already burning red – will have turned catatonic with rage after his younger brother dragged two of his three children into his latest publicity drive.

It suits Harry’s delusional narrative to suggest the media are only interested in negative stories about the Sussexes 

The Sussexes were invited back into the inner family fold and treated with utmost respect for both the funeral of Prince Philip, the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and her funeral, only for the grenades launched in their Netflix victimhood fest and Spare to be far worse than any courtier or member of the firm was expecting 

Knowing exactly the additional damage he was causing on his already toxic relationship with his older brother, Harry added to Gordon: ‘And though William and I have talked about it once or twice, and he has made it very clear to me that his kids are not my responsibility, I still feel a responsibility knowing that out of those three children, at least one will end up like me, the spare. And that hurts, that worries me.’


Just imagine if a member of the Royal Family went to a newspaper and suggested that they had a ‘responsibility’ to ensure that Harry’s kids Archie and Lilibet weren’t separated by their embittered parents from every blood relative connected to their British heritage…

In this climate, it’s not only impossible to imagine Charles and William being able to reconcile with Harry, it’s also reckless. But, of course, that’s what the so-called ‘wise heads’ – otherwise known as the wets in the royal household – were suggesting to The Sunday Times yesterday.

I revealed that the brothers’ relationship was already effectively over after Harry allowed Meghan to go on Oprah Winfrey and trash Kate in front of the world for apparently making her cry following a drama over bridesmaid dresses 

A royal source, who the newspaper said ‘has the King’s ear and who knows the Sussexes’, revealed a reconciliation meeting will likely happen before the coronation in May.

They argued: ‘Both sides need to hold their hands up and admit we didn’t get everything right, and we got a lot wrong, and we have to say to him ‘we understand the pain you’ve been through’. The King can do it.’

Another ‘well-placed royal source’ added: ‘They have to invite them in before the coronation, or it will become such a circus and distraction.’

I’m sorry, these advisers are on another planet if they expect William to sit down in a room with his out-of-control bro and admit wrongdoing as part of a wider royal apology within the next four months.

I revealed that the brothers’ relationship was already effectively over after Harry allowed Meghan to go on Oprah Winfrey and trash Kate in front of the world for apparently making her cry following a drama over bridesmaid dresses.

But in Spare, Harry has painted Wills as an angry, balding, cold egomaniac who was never there for him and physically attacked him twice recently.

It’s an unforgivable portrayal that completely distorts history, but one that will, sadly, stick with the Prince of Wales for the rest of his life.

So the idea that William, who, yes, still loves his brother, will be party to any sort of grovelling apology to appease Harry is for the birds.

But Charles too needs to man up and realise that the appeasement strategy he has employed to deal with Harry has failed spectacularly.

The Sussexes were invited back into the inner family fold and treated with utmost respect for both the funeral of Prince Philip, the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and her funeral, only for the grenades launched in their Netflix victimhood fest and Spare to be far worse than any courtier or member of the firm was expecting.

If Charles gives in now, with this purported reconciliation summit, he is making it clear to Harry and Meghan that throwing mud works.

That would not lead to silence, as he might hope, but far more mudslinging in the future.

The only solution is to get tough on the Sussexes and freeze them out until they apologise for their treacherous behaviour.

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