Her friends Oddball, Dizzy and Boros are equally unconventional. When a local hunter is found dead, police ignore her suggestions that it was a retribution killing by wild animals. When another hunter’s corpse is discovered, matters take an increasingly bizarre turn.
Amanda Hadingue’s Janina (stepping in for ill Kathryn Hunter) narrates the mystery like a stand-up storyteller while various scenarios are acted out around her.
Screens at the back are filled alternately with huge faces and wintry landscapes, and the monochrome set highlights the isolated environment.
The fragmented visuals are held together by Janina’s narration but this story might have been better served by a more conventional staging.
Nature revenge thrillers are not new and this is an intriguing and blackly amusing variant slightly impaired by its presentation.
UK tour until April 29. Tickets: complicite.org
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