Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for December 15

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An older relative who is stuck in their ways will be insisting everyone follow what seem to be old-fashioned ideas to you. You can’t go along with this just to win their approval if you feel it is time to break out of this rut and experiment with something new.


If you are giving your time and skills freely to a group project, this should not interfere with other areas of your life. A volunteer effort is taking up too much of your time. Social demands are beginning to wear on your nerves and for the sake of your health, you may need to pull out of some obligations.


You want to focus on matters of a personal nature but this intention could be thwarted when you are asked to assume someone else’s responsibilities. A need to please others is as strong as your desire to get on with your own concerns. When you sense someone needs you, you haven’t the heart to let them down.


It won’t be easy to hide your nerves in an interview, test or audition. When you catch yourself thinking that you are going to fail, imagine what it is going to feel like to succeed. Don’t fall apart. This is your chance to let others see what you are capable of.


It is tempting to pose as being more knowledgeable in areas you know little about. Resist the urge to get drawn into conversations on subjects you have little experience in or you could damage your reputation when you have no answers for the questions being put to you.


Your willingness to let go of some routines in order to assist in a group project could surprise you. Someone who needs your help knows you can be relied on. Disruptions are the order of the day. Plan nothing and you will be prepared for whatever does come your way.


Discussions about a past event can get confusing. Do you have evidence to back what you are saying? Unless you can show through documents or a photograph that your memory is correct, you should probably drop the subject altogether. You feel more confident about the outcome of a joint project.


You will do well in areas you feel strongly about and in work that really interests you. Your long-term aims are uppermost in your mind as you look to improve your income and future security. The more stable your life, the more content you will feel.


Some form of financial gain is likely and you will want to share your good fortune with your family and close friends. A small celebration is being planned. Expect to receive some good news about arrangements you have recently been discussing. These will soon be set underway.


Even if you don’t see it as your responsibility, it could be you who has to phone a plumber or electrician to get a problem sorted. You would prefer to leave it to someone else to sort this out but they are hoping for the same from you. Evening social plans will be cancelled at the eleventh hour.


You will be called on to help out with a frustrating family matter. You have been through this situation many times before and no doubt, will have to go through it again. This doesn’t make it any easier. In fact you’re running out of ideas on how you might solve this problem.


You will be offered a chance to get involved in a special cause or campaign. Working with a volunteer or political group will expand your social circle. It doesn’t matter if you are roped into taking on new responsibilities. They won’t be a problem to you.

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