Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for Saturday, June 25

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Someone in the community will approach you, taking it for granted you will give your support to a neighbourhood project. This venture has caused a lot of controversy in the past and if you feel you would rather sit on the fence, be sure to say so there and then.


Hesitate no longer. Strikeout towards your long-term aims and you should have the most exciting and unbelievable time bringing these to fruition. Both mentally and physically, you will be feeling stronger than you have done for some time. Even so, be sure to take regular breaks.


You aren’t sure whether to accept a gift an older relative wants to put your way. You know that this will not please some members of your family. At the same time, it is their choice and you would make them very happy by accepting their kind gesture.


You have made up your mind about something important and because you have given this a lot of thought, you aren’t likely to change it even if someone thinks you are making a wrong decision. You’re ready to act on the choice you have made and to prove to others that this is the right choice for you.


A visit to an old friend or relatives you haven’t seen for a long while will go well. Relationships long-neglected due to no fault of your own will once again begin to blossom. Are you single? There may be a chance of an old romance being rekindled.


Instead of having set plans, be flexible. You might find it fun to fall in with a friend or relative’s suggestions. This could take you on a longish journey and while on your travels you will meet someone who will play an essential part in your life in the future.


If there are any unexpected changes in work or domestic plans and this means postponing arrangements already decided on, you won’t really mind at all. Some chores or everyday projects hold no appeal at all and you will welcome any excuse to get out of them.


When making family plans, you will want to talk these over and know they will suit everyone. Recent misunderstandings need to be resolved when it is difficult to move forward with someone who is not being very cooperative or friendly. Invite them to talk over their feelings.


Take the chance when it is offered to impress your boss and colleagues. You can do this by sharing your imaginative suggestions when others have run out of ideas. A pay rise or the offer of a new position could be the welcome yet unexpected consequences.


This is a good time to make an effort to improve your current circumstances. A practical friend or relative will encourage you to take action regarding finances or a home-related project. They will have some great suggestions that will lead you to consider changing old arrangements for a more forward-looking set-up.


Arguments in the workplace cannot be avoided. You’re in the difficult position of having to answer for something you didn’t do. If you explain the situation fully, a colleague will be in trouble and although you don’t want to do this, it would be better than having your boss think the worst of you.


Your imagination is working overtime. You could use this to further your own aims by asking yourself: what are your most profound dreams and biggest aspirations? Now is a good time to start planning the first move towards their realisation. Just be sure to keep it on a realistic level.

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