I want to change my daughter's name – but will we look like idiots

I want to change my daughter’s unusual name to something more traditional – but my husband thinks we’ll ‘look like idiots’

  • British mother took to Netmums to admit she’s in a ‘total fluster’ 
  • READ MORE: My friend gave her girl the name I really wanted for my daughter 

A mother has revealed her misery over the name she picked for her 10-month-old baby – and wants to change it immediately because it ‘doesn’t feel natural’.

The mother-of-one expressed her anguish in a brief post on British parenting platform Netmums, where she asked readers for their thoughts on how to fix the conundrum.

She admitted to being in a ‘total fluster’ but can’t reveal her feelings to her husband because she chose the name herself, and she knows he thinks they will ‘look like idiots’ if they change it.

Confessing that she’s indecisive, she said she wants a more traditional name for her daughter, who is currently named Sienna.

She was met with a wave of support from other users, including one who changed her child’s name at the age of five, although others questioned why she would change a ‘beautiful’ name like Sienna. 

A British mother took to Netmums to explain her predicament, admitting that her baby daughter’s name doesn’t feel ‘natural’ (stock image) 

Explaining the predicament, the mother said that she’s consumed by flashes of regret whenever the tot’s name escapes her lips, and a name she once considered to be pretty had instead left her feeling incredibly uncomfortable. 

‘Is it not totally crazy to change her first name after 10 months though?’ she asked.

‘Your baby’s name should roll off the tongue and you never even think about it, whereas I question the name choice every time I say it.

‘That can’t be a good thing. And I thought by now after 10 months that would have changed but it hasn’t. I think my main problem with the name is it’s a little bit different. I have realised now that I would prefer a more traditional name.

Users offered their advice, including one who said that she also changed her daughter’s name and finally feels proud of it 

And it didn’t end there. She conceded that moving forward with a new name was nearly impossible without her husband’s consent, who would most likely be against the bold move.

‘Every single day I question whether we named our daughter the right name – surely that isn’t normal?!’

‘I’m in a total fluster and have not mentioned this to a soul. Not my hubby or friends, because I feel so stupid I’ve let this go on so long!’

‘The name we chose is very pretty, Sienna, but I can’t help but feel it’s not right. Does anyone else get these feelings? Is it too late to change her name??’

‘This is not just my decision,’ she said. ‘I can’t see my husband actually agreeing to go through with a name change – he will think we look like idiots. 

‘It was me who chose the name in the beginning, and he liked it so we went with it. So I feel it’s my fault i picked the wrong name. So whatever I decide, it doesn’t really matter unless he agrees. 

Some commenters couldn’t understand the problem with Sienna, and urged the woman not to change her daughter’s name 

Opinions readily poured in – with many encouraging the poster to throw caution to the wind and go for the name change.

One said: ‘Hiya. I changed my daughter’s name at 6 months on her birth certificate with no problems at all. Be sure you want to as you are only allowed to do it once. I’ve not regretted my decision since x.’

Another added: ‘When I was younger I knew someone whose parents changed their name when she was about five – I say do it!’

In staunch solidarity, another revealed a name change at 34: ‘You can amend a birth certificate to include the birth father or change the child’s surname to the father’s surname at ANY point, mine was done aged 34.’ 

Others urged the woman to speak to her husband, but warned her to be sure of her choice before making a change 

However, many users didn’t agree with changing the ‘beautiful name’, with one adding: ‘How comes you want to change it? I think it’s a beautiful name. Good choice.’

Another agreed: ‘I personally think ten months is a bit too late to change her first name.’

And one even suggested the poor tot would end up confused: ‘Won’t it confuse Sienna? She’s been called that her whole life then she is suddenly being called something else? I don’t think that’s very fair. I think it’s best to leave it, it’s a lovely name. If she doesn’t like it when she is older, then she can change it herself.’

Meanwhile, others urged the woman to talk to her husband and make a joint decision – but to make sure she’s certain of her choice this time. 

‘Talk to your husband about it as time is running out before she turns one,’ a commenter wrote. ‘I say go for it ONLY if you have another name you are certain of. 

‘If you don’t then it’s likely you’ll want to change it again, by which point it’ll be too late.’ 

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