Lads said I was "too fat" to date – now theyre desperate to get my attention

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Sophie Patel used to have to deal with cruel fat-shaming messages from lads who told her she was 'too fat' to date.

However, just two years on, the same guys are now queuing up in her DMS trying to win a date with her after her weight loss transformation.

Former fast food addict Sophie, from Walsall, West Mids, used to be a size 16 and tipped the scales at 14st 2lbs.

She gorged on takeaways and fizzy drinks every day and didn’t bother with exercise, despite being told by men to “get down the gym”.

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The 29-year-old, who is 5ft 3in, decided to make a change after a worrying reality check from her doctor, though.

And now she's a slim size 8 and weighs 8st 9lbs.

Sophie, a receptionist, said: “I’d always been a bigger girl. But it was only when I started to receive negative comments and messages on social media from men telling me to lose weight that I decided to do something about it.

“Now I look and feel amazing."

When she was growing up, Sophie struggled with her weight and piled on the pounds during her twenties.

"While I was always bigger than other girls, it never really bothered me," she said.

"But when I was 23, my eating was out of control.

"I would binge on McDonald's, KFC or Burger King everyday for dinner, along with four full-fat bottles of Coke a day, cakes and doughnuts.

"I got to the point where I didn't care about my health anymore. I did no exercise and ate fast food all day long.”

By the time she was 27, Sophie was a size 16 and weighed 14st 2lbs.

In February 2020, she was diagnosed with anaemia and had to undergo infusions where iron was injected into her body.

She explains: “At the time I was constantly tired and weak. I was extremely unwell.

“When I started to feel better, I went to the doctor for a check-up and he warned me that I had a high risk of diabetes if I kept on putting on weight.”

Sophie didn’t take any notice for a while. It was only after receiving cruel comments on her pictures and messages about her weight that she decided to take action.

She says: "I looked in the mirror and hated the girl staring back at me.

"Whenever I went out with my friends or spoke to men, I felt so self-conscious and would always cover myself up.

"The negative comments that I started receiving were horrible and really made me second guess myself. I had to do something about my weight.

“One comment said 'get to the gym', while another said 'wow, you've put some weight on'. It wasn't nice to read.”

In August 2020, Sophie decided to ditch her unhealthy habits and get into shape.

She cooked healthy meals every day and restricted herself to 1,200 calories – making sure she was always in a deficit.

Sophie also did an hour and a half of cardio per day, often taking walks in her lunch break at work.

And it paid off as the weight soon started to fall off.

Sophie says: "I started to follow healthy recipes online and everyday, I'd either do a brisk walk, jog, or do a HIIT workout.

"At first I didn't believe that I'd be able to do it. But then a switch flicked in me and I became addicted to the process.”

After working out and eating healthier, Sophie noticed both her physical and mental health were feeling the benefits.

“I found it so relaxing,” she says. "When I started seeing the results, I felt so proud that I'd stuck with it."

Following a year of hard work, Sophie lost a staggering 6st.

Now she's weight, she does strength training multiple times a week to build muscle, and restricts herself to 1,600 calories a day.

Although she admits she lets herself have a 'treat' every now and again.

Since losing weight, Sophie gets very different attention online from men and gets asked out on multiple dates every week.

She said: ”Now that I'm smaller, even my exes have got back in contact with me saying that I look amazing, which has definitely boosted my ego."

However, she says her weight loss journey was about feeling confident in her own skin.

"Before I would cover my body up whenever I got the chance to. Now, I embrace it by wearing short dresses and crop tops," she commented.

"When I look at myself in the mirror, I'm so happy.

"I'm so much more confident and healthy than I was before. I'm a completely different person now."


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