Lonely cat who needs space and doesn't like men gets returned to shelter twice

Sweet cat Eleven (yep, like the Stranger Things character) has had a rough journey.

After arriving at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in April, her hopes were raised when a family agreed to take her in.

But a short time later, she was brought back to the shelter, because ‘the homes were not comfortable with her settling style’.

Back at Battersea, she waited for another owner to give her a chance. Someone did, but for the second time she was returned to the shelter.

Now, she’s hoping that the third time will be the charm – could you be her perfect owners who won’t reject Eleven again?

The four-year-old tabby is a super smart, sociable cat, but she’s not great at dealing with change.

This means that when she arrives at a new home, she needs some space and time to settle in. If you rush her, Eleven might hiss and swipe at you.

What she needs is someone who understands that Eleven takes a moment to settle – but once she does, she’s a lovely pal.

‘Not only can she sit on command for a treat, but one long look into her almond eyes and you will quickly be under her influence,’ say the Battersea team.

‘Eggos? No thank you! Cat treats? Yum yum!

‘Eleven may be the most popular girl on the silver screen currently but our little El seems to be getting no interest at all and longs for a home she can call her own.

‘Smart as a whip and looks to boot, who can resist El the cat in all her glory?’

Eleven is after a home where she’ll be given space to settle in, with women only – as she’s not comfortable around men.

She’ll need a cat flap so she can come and go as she pleases, and would rather not live with any other pets.

‘She expects respect, but once given she will reward you with plenty of love,’ say the Battersea team. ‘She is a super clever cat, who enjoys learning and she will sit on command (for a treat of course).

‘Potential new owners will need to speak to a vet prior to rehoming due to her medical history, but she doesn’t currently need treatment and is still an active and playful girl.

‘She is looking for an understanding home that will give her the time and space to settle in, as she would make a wonderful addition to a home.’

If you reckon you could be the perfect match for Eleven, you can get in touch with Battersea by calling 0207 627 9279 or emailing [email protected].

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