Meghan and Harry to spend ‘exciting and magical’ summer with kids – different to Kate’s

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It is likely Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will spend the summer break in Los Angeles or travel somewhere in the United States with their children, Archie and Lili. It is believed the couple like to spend time with the kids at not very popular spots so they can’t be easily recognised as they were recently spotted enjoying the July 4 celebrations in a small town in Wyoming.

Kate and William, on the other hand, will probably opt for staycations this year.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge like to spend their summer breaks at their Norfolk home of Anmer Hall and visit Her Majesty in Balmoral, Scotland, where their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis enjoy spending time with their cousins.

Royal expert Ingrid Seward said “Balmoral is an absolute paradise for children”.

“All the kids love it up there because they have picnics every day and sometimes at night they have family barbecues,” she told The Sun.

But how are their dynamics and routines as a family when they are on holiday?

Parenting expert and author of best-selling parenting book Octopus on a Treadmill, Gifty Enright, explained “parenting during the summer is a different kind of parenting and depending on the ages of the children”.

This is because during the summer months when children are not in school most of the time, “different skills are required”.

The expert said “Harry and Meghan have got younger children so for them it is all about doing things with them”.

“At that age, everything is new, exciting and magical.”

Gifty said Harry and Meghan will want to spend quality time playing with Archie and Lili “and the kids will want to engage all their senses in the experience”.

“Keeping them engaged tends to be rather physical”, the expert explained.

She said “bucket and spade on the beach and building sand castles can occupy them for hours” and this is something the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will likely do this summer with their children.

Kate and William’s children, on the other side, are a bit older.

Gifty predicted their holidays “might be a hybrid of the bucket and spade and other pursuits that allow the children to have time to themselves as well”.

She explained: “At that age, the kids are keen to show their parents what they can do.

“It is important for parents to stay engaged and plan activities that both parents and kids can derive joy from.”

It is known Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis enjoy playing outside, riding bikes and going fishing.

Charlotte is a fan of ponies and has an amazing time at Balmoral spending time at the Queen’s pony sanctuary.

It is reported the children also like to go on walks and horse riding.

These are all activities Kate and William will be practising with them during the summer break.

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