Mother shares hack to clean washing machine with just two products

Is YOUR washing machine filthy? Mother shares genius chemical-free cleaning hack that requires just two products

  • Mom shares ‘genius’ cleaning hack to clean even the hardest to reach places  
  • READ MORE: Professional cleaner fact checks popular TikTok ‘hacks’

TikTok is once again teaching the world by sharing clever cleaning hacks to make even the dingiest nooks and crannies of our homes shine, and this particular one has people saying ‘wow!’.

Shared by Jen Watson, a mother-of-five from the US, to her TikTok page titled OrganizedAndSimplified4u, she included several ingenious ideas to get rid of mold and dirt.

However, it was one in particular that really had viewers stunned and rushing to the comments section to share their surprise.

In the short clip Jen pulled back the rubber part of the door in a washing machine to show all the built up scum and dirt before advising adding bicarbonate of soda and white wine vinegar.

Applying around two tablespoons of the powder directly to the mess, she then poured over the liquid so the mixture immediately started bubbling.

Look familiar? TikTokker Jen Watson has revealed how to get rid of washing machine mold  without harsh

In the video a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and white wine vinegar was added to the inside of the washing machine’s rubber door

Quickly shutting the door, Jen put the machine on a rinse and watched as the cheap and easy solution worked its magic.

As soon as it was over the mother pulled back the rubber lining to show it was now spick and span and clean enough for all your delicate washing.

After watching the video, which has already over 144,000 likes, may viewers rushed to the comments section to express their delight. 

One person wrote: ‘WOW! Thks for sharing these awesome hacks!!!

‘Thank you for this post the inside of the washer part right there drives me insane seems like I’ve tried everything. what exactly are you using?’, asked another social media user. 

While someone else enthused: ‘Oh man def doing the washer Got a quote of $350 to come out and replace it Eff that !!! White vinegar and baking soda??’

And a fourth person agreed, writing: ‘This is genius! Maintaining a clean and healthy home should not be toxic.’

Clearly amazed, another declared: ‘Things you learn on TikTok!’

Several people had to double check what Jen used to make the mixture as they were concerned she was using white wine to clean the washing machine. 

‘Waste o wine,’ joked one viewer.

A second TikToker questioned: ‘Was that wine?’

‘Me thinking I’m not wasting my white wine in the washing machine,’ laughed a third person.

The result was a spotless and sparkling clean washing machine door and inside meaning you can be sure all your clothes will be hygienically washed going forward. 

Soon other users were sharing their own hacks for cleaning in the comments, with one advising: ‘Shampoo, is the best bathroom cleaner. breaks hairspray fast.’

While another joked: ‘I just buy a new house every few months.’

‘After each use: Take washer soap drawer out and let dry overnight. Also leave washer door open to completely dry,’ suggested a third.

It comes after a professional cleaner weighed in on some of the most popular home hacks on TikTok highlighting the ones you should follow and those best left online.

UK clean-queen Heather Barrigan understands the steep rise in ‘cleanfulencing’ on social media – everyone wants to know the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to make their homes sparkle.

But not all advice should be followed blindly as many can be damaging to your home and appliances.

The expert said while essential oils have a place in cleaning, overusing them can be toxic and effect your health – especially when used in the fridge or in food preparation areas.

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