New Moon rituals: What’s in store for the Scorpio New Moon horoscope this week?

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Every New Moon has a different theme, depending on what sign it’s in. This New Moon is a mysterious and magical Scorpio and it will help to bring your deep inner feelings to the surface. Curious to know how to celebrate the New Moon? chatted to Moon Mentor and author of Lunar Living: Working with the Magic of the Moon Cycle, Kirsty Gallagher (@kirsty_gallagher_ on Instagram), to find out the horoscope for Thursday’s New Moon AND the three rituals to perform to harness the power of the Moon.

On Thursday, November 4 at 9.15pm, the Scorpio New Moon rises.

Even though it isn’t visible in the sky, this Moon will have serious impacts on our lives.

According to Kirsty, it’s going to help us to “awaken our inner power and magic”.

The Moon Mentor said: “Be ready! This New Moon is a pivotal, powerful turning point in your life and is going to be transformative in so many ways.”

This New Moon is here to help you to soul search, shift, transform and alchemise.

Kirsty explained: “Under this New Moon it’s time to face your fears, bring your shadows to the light, turn your pain into passion and find deep self-love, self-acceptance and self-belief that will carry you forwards.

“The person you entered Scorpio season as will not be the same person you leave as. Are you ready?”

You’ll feel the energy building in the days leading up to the New Moon, starting from Halloween when the Moon is dark.

Kirsty said: “The Moon entering her dark moon phase on Halloween is the perfect sign for what she wants us to do on one of the most magical days of the year and running up to the New Moon – withdraw, retreat, rest and reflect.

“This is going to be a powerful time to face fears, embrace shadows, explore your subconscious thoughts and beliefs, and uncover any deep unwanted feelings or truths you have buried within you.

“It’s beneath all of these that your true magic, inner power, and wisdom lie.”

The Moon isn’t the only astrological force guiding our lives, Mars will play a role this week too.

To deepen this soul searching and transformation, Mars – the traditional ruler of Scorpio – enters Scorpio the day before Halloween and conjunct the New Moon.

Kirsty said: “Mars, the planet of motivation, inspiration, drive and desire in Scorpio will ask you to investigate your deepest inner desires, urges and passions and whether you’re really getting what you want out of your life.

“You won’t be able to ignore the deep intuitive truths (you’ve likely known for a while) about things in your life that aren’t working and what you’ve been trying to avoid or hide from.

“This is the time to face the truth. To trust yourself and what you are being shown.”

This Moon is here to help you to step up and rise beyond fears and claim back your power and what you really truly want from life.

It will become clear to you under this Moon where you are ready to rise in your power.

Kirsty asked: “Where you have had enough of living a lie or playing it small?

“Are you allowing your fears or worries about other people’s opinions or expectations to hold you back?

“It all starts now, under this New Moon, with the reclamation and remembering of who you are and what you want. It’s time to awaken your inner power and magic…”

New Moon rituals


When you’ve decided what it is that you want, create some affirmations based on your goals.

Repeat them daily through the waxing part of the cycle to keep adding energy to your intentions and bring them to life.

Kirsty suggests the following as examples:

  • My ideal job comes to me easily and effortlessly
  • I am worthy and deserving of love
  • I trust my intuition to guide the way


Use crystals to amplify your intentions and add more power to them.

Pick a crystal that correlates to your dreams or one that resonates with you at the time and hold it while performing your rituals.

According to the experts, Lapis Lazuli is a great fit for a Scorpio New Moon.

Light a candle

Light a candle and sit with it for a few minutes while visualising what it is that you want the New Moon to help you with.

Gaze at the flame and do your affirmations before gently blowing out the flame.

Kirsty said: “Imagine that you are sending all your New Moon wishes out into the world.

“Repeat this daily through the Waxing Moon phase.”

Source: Read Full Article

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