The essential oil your star sign should use to awaken your 'superpower'

Essential oils are compounds from plants that capture their scent, flavour, or essence.

The oils are extracted from plants through distillation (via steam and/or water) or cold pressing.

Essential oils are readily available, and can be added to liquids in order to apply to the skin or at pulse points, inhaled, diffused, or sprayed into the air.

They form the basis of aromatherapy, enabling us to benefit from the fragrances of the natural world and promote our wellbeing by applying or inhaling beautiful essences. 

Aromatherapy is not only about healing and therapeutic benefits, but also, some believe, about amplification and activation of personal strengths.

Activate your star sign’s power through the sensory stimulus of aromatherapy, discover the chosen essential oil which will awaken and amplify your sign’s best trait and strength. 

Aries: Cedarwood

March 21 to April 20

Cedarwood is a natural sedative, which might sound a bit drastic but all Aries shine brightest when they’re relaxed, chill, and in flow with those around them vs straining to impress or overdoing it.

When you take your performance down a notch, you find it easier than ever to persuade, thrill, and attract an audience.

Cedarwood can be worn as a fragrance, or dabbed at pulse points to remind you to just relax and be your fabulous self. 

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries

Taurus: Lavender rose

April 21 to May 21

Lavender rose is an amplifier of love, romance, and peace, creating harmonious and beautiful energy between people when given as a gift or worn in company.

You are ruled by Venus and therefore making people feel special, loved, and appreciated is a natural gift.

People are drawn to your charming and easy company. Make yourself even more irresistible with this alluring scent.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus

Gemini: Ylang Ylang

May 22 to June 21

Ylang Ylang is a great oil to help you reconnect to your inner child by stimulating nostalgic memories and feelings.

All Geminis are naturally youthful and this Peter Pan trait helps you feel vital, energetic, powerful, and optimistic.

Wear ylang ylang as a fragrance or use it as a bathing oil to really feel that youthful energy surge and access those positive, young ideas and inspirations.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini

Cancer: Jasmine

June 22 to July 23

Jasmine is believed to be a powerful conductor of astral travel, psychic visions, lucid dreaming, and ESP. You are one the zodiac’s great mystics and enjoy peeping behind the veil, seeing unseen realms and communicating with the other side.

Burn jasmine incense or massage some scented oil into your neck and chest before bedtime.

Inhale the scent in fourfold breaths (inhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds, and exhale for four seconds) and feel yourself drifting away someplace else, to the great beyond.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer

Leo: Basil

July 24 to August 23

You shine so brightly and attract so much attention that the only thing you need to protect against is jealousy or negative vibes from haters. You are envied.

Spritz basil in your personal space, or keep a little basil plant nearby, to ward off toxic or negative energy and also help keep you focused and attentive to your goals (you’ve always got goals…). 

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo

Virgo: Palmarosa

August 24 to September 23

Your powers of perception, organisation and insight are powerful, but they can tip over into self criticism and harsh judgment because you have perfectionist tendencies and are not always kind to yourself.

Palmarosa, spritzed in air around you or dropped onto clothing, will help to heal your heart chakra and guide loving energy towards yourself, enabling you to be at your best.

Rub some into your hands and inhale deeply whenever you start to hear your inner critic.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo

Libra: Sage

September 24 to October 23

Clarity and purity of thought, an objective and fair-minded approach, just and harmonious ideas, are your strength.

Burning sage bundles, or inhaling the oil dabbed at your pulse points, will help to clear any and all negative or distracting energy around you, enabling you to have ‘purified’ space for your thoughts to flow , your conclusions to form, and your ideas to strengthen.

Protect your mental space.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra

Scorpio: Peppermint

October 24 to November 22

There’s no boundary or danger zone you’d fear to cross and explore, you are courageous and curious, drawn to the occult, the scary, the edges of the world.

Inhaling peppermint from your palms, or massaging it into your temples, will help to keep you safe, protected and clear-minded as you traverse whatever underbelly or hotspot you’re currently in.

We need Scorpios to go places the rest of us dare not.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio

Sagittarius: Geranium

November 23 to December 21

Ruled by Jupiter, you are naturally lucky, cheerful, hopeful, and abundant in all that you do. You attract good things and people.

Geranium is an oil which is thought to encourage health, wealth, and happiness, and attracts luck and friendship.

Wear as a fragrance or spritz some around the entrance to your home, office, bedroom etc to draw in good fortune. This is your lucky essence.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius

Capricorn: Lavender

December 22 to January 21

All work and no play makes Cap a dull sign!

Seriously, though, you are the hardest worker in the room and this is a strength others envy. You achieve, succeed, and thrive – always.

Lavender is a soothing, relaxing, clarifying and healing scent that will help keep you charged and balanced when you’re grafting.

You need to be reminded that you can’t pour from an empty jug, and inhaling lavender will make you pause and rest.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn

Aquarius: Lemon

January 22 to February 19

Citrus-y oils are always cleansing, uplifting, invigorating, and confidence-boosting.

You, Aquarius, are destined for great things so we need you totally on point and fully charged.

You’re an inventor and a progressive innovator. Your mind needs to be clear and stimulated.

Inhaling lemon oil or diffusing it into your work space will help keep those cogs whirring at full speed, so you can create something amazing.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius

Pisces: Vetiver

February 20 to March 20

You are such a strong empath and so kind and supportive to others that sometimes you can get distracted and overwhelmed by everyone else’s problems, demands and needs.

Inhaling vetiver, or keeping it close by as a spritz, will help re-ground you in your own space, remember your own needs, and redirect your passion and energy inwards, back to your own healing and growth. 

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

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