What does March 17th bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all

My daily horoscope: What does March 17th bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all

Happy St Patrick’s Day! Today many pints of Guinness will be sunk to honour ‘the old country’ and celebrate Irish triumphs. And while I can’t claim to have any green in my veins, I’ve spent enough time at folk clubs and ceilidhs to have an idea of the challenges that lie in this beautiful country’s past. This weekend, as Mercury changes signs, it’s by discussing plans for the future that excitement and hope can be generated. 

Read more horoscopes from MailOnline. 


March 21 – April 20 

We’re so fortunate to be here. Even when the skies are gloomy, we’re surrounded by challenges and nothing seems to be how we feel it ‘should’ be. Still, there are reasons to be thankful for every second we spend on this rock. As soon as we remember this, any clouds of confusion lift and beams of light shine into our world. This weekend, as Mercury, the planet of communication and intelligence, moves into your sign, a wonderful new possibility makes its way into your life. 

What does March 17th bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells all. Happy St Patrick’s Day! Today many pints of Guinness will be sunk to honour ‘the old country’ and celebrate Irish triumphs

Maximise the energy available to you now. The Equinox can transform your world. Call 0906 751 5601.


April 21 – May 21 

Sometimes things we want come effortlessly into our lives. We’re not even conscious of the need to change, but when it happens we feel good. These serendipitous occurrences are as potent as they are rare. They can’t be anticipated. Or hurried along. Meanwhile, twiddling our fingers hoping that the cosmos is working its magic won’t get us far. But things can change in a heartbeat. With Venus in your sign, work you put in a while ago is about to pay off. This weekend brings an overdue reward. 

This is an exceptional week. The Equinox brings potential for transformation. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 – June 22

On the one hand there is this possibility. On the other, there’s another. Thank goodness we’ve got two hands! We think in terms of opposites. Good and bad. Black and white. We know there are infinite shades of grey, but we protect ourselves from the uncertainty this complexity creates by imagining there are only extremes. You might feel attracted to an extreme situation this weekend. The reality, however, is that you only need to go some of the way, in a positive direction, to feel good. 

Give yourself the best Equinox present ever: four minutes of priceless insight and support. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

You’re good, you’re kind and you’re selfless. So it’s inevitable that you sometimes worry that other people are taking advantage of you. Should you put your walls up? Hide your generosity and assume a haughtier, less approachable veneer? You could, of course. But how would that make you feel? The problem with walls is that they have a way of keeping people out — whether they’re friends or foe. With Venus settling into a new sign, this weekend brings a reminder of how many brilliant, trustworthy people are around you. 

Wonderful opportunities arise as the Equinox energy energises your life. For great news, call 0906 751 5604.

This weekend, as Mercury (pictured) changes signs, it’s by discussing plans for the future that excitement and hope can be generated


July 24 – August 23

Others might be planning on going to the ball this weekend, but you’ve got chores to do. Sweeping the chimney and emptying the cinders might not match your ideal, but you won’t neglect your duties… will you? Surely you’re not hoping for fairy tale-like assistance that will relieve you of your burdens and magic you into a more fun-filled place? Be ready to change your plans! Although the appearance of someone with a magic wand is unlikely, a surprise will make this weekend better than you think. 

The Equinox brings powerful positive change! There’s great news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.


August 24 – September 23

Preaching patience and practising what you preach are two very different things. We know that we sometimes need to wait. But when we’re tantalisingly close to success, it’s hard to remember that good things come to those who wait. It’s true, of course. And the end you’re waiting for is too precious to rush. Luckily, with your ruler Mercury changing signs this weekend, you’ll be filled with ideas that will distract you. So, just be confident that when ‘it’ arrives, it will be everything you’re hoping for and more. Don’t lose faith. 

Capture the powerful energy of this week’s Equinox. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5606.


September 24 – October 23 

Although you’re feeling uncertain, you have a sense of great urgency. It’s not an easy mix. If you stop to think about it, you’d be hard-pressed to say what needs to be done in such a rush. So, take a moment this weekend to reconsider your situation. You’ll feel much better when you’ve got a clearer view of what’s going on. You’ll find that it frees you up to enjoy what’s going on! It would be easy to miss an opportunity to have a good time. But you deserve a break from the pressure, don’t you? 

The Equinox brings potential for powerful positive change! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.


October 24 – November 22

Sometimes, if you’re sailing towards the shoreline, a trick of the light can make it feel as if you’re heading out to sea. You’re not, of course. But it’s a useful metaphor for the situation you face this weekend. You’ve been making steady, sustained progress for some time. So why, just as you’re reaching your goal, do you feel as if you’re taking a step backwards? As one thing draws closer, others are bound to drift away. But don’t be fooled by any illusions. Your goal is close at hand. Keep going in the direction you’re heading in. 

It’s the Equinox! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5608.


November 23 – December 21

When they settle down to write, novelists don’t need to go overboard when describing their characters. Our imaginations paint a far more vivid image than words can. What we don’t know, we invent. We jump to a conclusion and conjure up a backstory out of nowhere. And we don’t save our talents for reading. We use them in real-life scenarios, too. This weekend brings a revelation about someone that changes your relationship, in a lovely way. 

How will the Equinox transform your life? There’s inspiring news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.


December 22 – January 20

If it feels like you’re under pressure to give something up or put something down, it’s probable that you’re misinterpreting the meaning of the cosmic climate. What’s unfolding in your world is so ‘right’ that you’re bound to feel a natural sense of protection when letting go of some of the issues that have been taking up so much of your time and energy. But you’ve done enough to be able to leave them alone for a while. They can take care of themselves as you appreciate the good things coming your way. 

Let the power of the Equinox and the New Moon inspire you. Call your latest four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5610.


January 21 – February 19

You’re one of life’s adventurers. So, what’s preventing you from seizing an exciting opportunity with your usual abandon? It’s rare for you to feel reticent. But it’s never easy to step away from old problems, duties and responsibilities. This weekend brings a chance to do so in a way that benefits not only you but those around you. If you can get your priorities straight, everything will suddenly prove simple. You’ll be able to step forwards with a sense of expectation rather than stress. 

Use the power of the Equinox to change your life. For the key to the future of your dreams, call 0906 751 5611.


February 20 – March 20

Would it make you feel self-conscious if we talk about your admirers? There are lots! You are, after all, a unique human being with some outstanding qualities. They might not be obvious to everyone. But your sensitivity and your imagination are appreciated by more folk than you think. This weekend, as Mercury changes signs, you can use your talents with powerful effect to influence the outcome of a situation you care deeply about. Since it involves several other people, you can expect your fan base to grow! 

The powerful Equinox can change your life for the better. There’s valuable news when you call 0906 751 5612.

  • Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. To report a phone line problem, call 0800 138 9789. Go to cainer.com and join the 5 Star Service for personalised messages, audio, video, discounts on full readings, and more! 

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