Woman who wants ‘biggest earlobes in world’ stretches them to extreme lengths

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A body modification addict says she wants to become a world record holder – by having the biggest stretched earlobes.

Bianca Ferro's earlobes measure 86 millimetres (around 3.3 inches) in length but she is striving to make them over four inches.

The 24-year-old, who lives in New Jersey, is a tattoo artist whose eye-popping appearance has landed her a big social media following.

In school she was bullied relentlessly for “being chubby and weird” and being unable to afford expensive clothes other kids wore.

So she learned to love herself and as a teenager began stretching her ears.

Bianca recalled: “I started the summer I turned 13 and I hid it from my parents.

“Eventually my mum found out and didn't love it, but also didn't mind enough to make me take them out.

"My dad on the other hand did not want me stretching my ears, especially at a young age.

“He tried to get me to stop but no matter how hard he tried I always found a way to keep stretching them. Now my parents don't think twice about them.

“They just see them as a part of me because that's really all they are.”

The tattoo enthusiast has continued stretching her ears and she has no plans to stop until she breaks a world record – currently 105 millimetres (around 4.1 inches).

She said: “I have reached a few goal sizes in the past and wasn't quite sure what to do with myself when I thought my stretching journey was over.

“I think they are just so beautiful, and I am very proud of the time and patience it takes to continue making them bigger…

"If I surpass the record, it will happen naturally.

"Once you start trying to rush something like this, you're bound to mess it up.

"As long as I continue to take care of my ears and stretch them properly, I'm sure the day will come."

The body modification fan also expresses her individuality by getting tattooed.

She started getting inked at 16 and has ambitions of being 100% covered one day.

And explaining why she likes the dramatic look, Bianca said: “I like looking unnatural because it's just plain fun.

“We live in a world where you can be anything or anyone you want, so why be just like everyone else?”

While Bianca's extreme appearance can divide opinion, she doesn't take negativity to heart.

And as for the ears, Bianca had a message for the trolls.

She said: “People with body modifications are some of the absolute nicest people on the planet.

“We know what it feels like to be looked down on and we never want others to feel that way.

“We may look a little scary to some people but I promise we are all the softest and goofiest people you'll ever meet.”

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