Woman’s creates brutally honest Tinder profile and is inundated with date offers

In life, it is often thought that honesty is the best policy – but when it comes to dating, many people are desperate to make a good first impression.

This can lead to some over-embellishing about their talents and how great their lives are.

Some people may tell a porky pie about their height, rope in a mate's dog to pose with or fib about their general interests to find themselves a match.

So what happens when you actually tell the truth?

Sarah, 32, is a breath of fresh air when it comes to dating as she has been brutally honest about herself on her Tinder bio.

And her candid dating app bio has actually made people want to date her.

The blonde's profile has been screenshotted and posted onto Reddit, where people can't get enough of the bio.

Sarah spoke very candidly about herself, while showing off her wicked sense of humour.

Beneath a smiley picture of her near the beach, her bio read: “Am I the most attractive girl out there? Of course not. But do I have a good personality? No.

“But do I wake up every day and try to be the best person I can be? Also no.”

Well you have got to give it to Sarah, at least she is very honest.

Impressed by the witty description, many people dubbed the singleton as their ideal woman.

One person commented: “My type of girl.”

Another user added: “Sarah is my new role model.”

Whilst a third voiced: “She is my spirit animal.”

Someone else chuckled: “Honesty is my kink.”

Meanwhile, a fifth person remarked: “To be fair. This would make me swipe right lmao. I love honesty, what can I say.”

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