Woman’s savage school leavers note from ‘sarcastic’ teacher goes viral

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Leaving school is a pretty momentous time for teenagers, but as adults our memories of the big day often fade.

To help us look back on our school days, we usually take mementoes which bring the good times back –whether that’s a signed T-shirt, a leavers hoody or a yearbook.

And, while our peers messages might be a little rude, the teachers usually keep it above board. Usually, that is…

One woman has left social media users cackling after sharing a note one of her teachers penned in her yearbook.

And, he was pretty savage.

Posting a picture of the book on Twitter, @Arcticashhh said: "Still can't believe this is what my English teacher wrote in my book when I left school."

It reads: "Ashleigh, sometimes I go home and can't sleep because your annoying voice that just doesn't stop keeps ringing in my ears, like the worst torture known to man.

“That is all. Good luck. Mr Seedat."

The post racked up more than 50,000 likes and the woman clarified: "Sarcasm at its finest because I barely even spoke in that class.

"Can I add, Mr Seedat was a funny as f*** sarcastic teacher, I'm almost certain he wrote something just as funny in everyone else's books."

When people called her out and said the incident “didn’t happen” she contacted her old teacher on social media and asked him to confirm he wrote it.

In the screenshots of the exchange he replied: "Oh my god.

“It was indeed."

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On the viral thread, one person commented: "Oh my god I could only ever DREAM of being this annoying.

“Followed you, what an icon."

“Bet you didn’t see that coming when you asked him to write in there,” joked another.

While a third added: “I can’t stop thinking about our second lesson together when you accused me of having a mid life crisis and since then, you caused me severe anxiety… but you always fell for my jokes."

  • Viral

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