Your Leo Monthly Horoscope for June

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Can you believe it’s June already, Leo? You’ve been feeling a little extra self-conscious about how you show up in the world and what you want from your life, which can feel destabilizing and unfamiliar. A return to your confident self is welcomed on June 3 as Mercury goes direct in the sign of Taurus. Delays and confusion about your career clear up. You’re releasing yourself from a cycle of approval-seeking. The following day on June 4, Saturn, the planet of boundaries, begins its retrograde. This brings attention to your partnership and one-on-one business contracts. Saturn wants us to reflect on our boundaries within all relational dynamics; it will deliver karma to parties who’ve been acting unjust. Some cosmic adjustments and rebalancing are on their way.

Mercury, the planet of the mind, re-enters Gemini, and if you heard from ghosts from your past during the retrograde, you may hear from them one more time. Misunderstandings within friendships or communities you participate in will clear up. Take a cosmic sigh of relief. You’re also regaining clarity on your hopes and dreams for the future. They’ve felt inaccessible or hazy lately, but now you’re clear on the next step you need to take. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14 may deliver a fun social event or party, or even a dose of luck, but be mindful of overindulging or defaulting into escapist tendencies. You’re craving a little extra fun and play in your life, but you don’t have to keep up with others who are downing shot after shot. This transit could also signal a creative release or opportunity fulfilled. Congratulations if so! This is your reminder to celebrate this win before diving into the next opportunity.

You’ve been go, go, go all Gemini season, and it’s fair to say you’ve wiped yourself out. It’s time to sink into a deeper cycle of rest on June 21 as the Sun enters Cancer. When your planetary ruler enters sensitive Cancer, your focus shifts to your internal world. You may be dealing with burnout or processing closure. Your mental health is your focus right now, and now is not the time to rush or force anything. Be still and sit with your feelings. Take a cat nap!

A little solitude will go a long way on June 22 when Venus, the planet of blessings, moves into Gemini. This will lend renewed interest to focusing on your future and your dreams. Venus also indicates that our connections can lead to breakthroughs. Networking or chance meetings can lead you in new directions as you work toward actualizing your goals for the future. Craft your elevator pitch now!

A New Moon in Cancer on June 28 closes out the month. You’re welcoming a fresh start in your spiritual and psychic world. Perhaps you’re feeling closer to the cosmos and ready to commit to a daily practice like breath work or meditation. It’s almost your season, so you need all the rest and preparation you can get!

Your June Astro Shop

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