Daily horoscope for January 2: Your star sign reading, astrology and zodiac forecast

Astrology: People want to relate to horoscopes says Vyse

Saturday’s horoscope finds our serene celestial satellite in fun-loving star sign Leo. Astrologers suggest this means now is another opportunity to enjoy yourself.

So despite the New Year’s Eve festivities ending only hours ago, why not let your hair down again and continue the party?

Leo is widely-recognised for its generosity and expressiveness.

The star sign is also particularly popular for its tendency to proudly wear its heart on its sleeve.

Those connected with this star sign can consequently expect to feel and experience all these things at the start of the weekend.

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Because the Moon is in chivalrous Leo, horoscope experts consider Saturday as a time to express their innermost feelings.

And due to the alignment of the stars, this should be manifested in a dramatic way.

Leo is rightly thought of as despising stinginess and fearful misery.

As a result, start the year as you mean to live it by being generous both financially and with your love.

The waning Leo Moon wants to share your ardour today.

Our luminous lunar disk remains startlingly bright in the sky and wishes to include everyone in its loving embrace.

Fiery planet Venus is found in star sign Sagittarius this Saturday.

This cosmic body is the first to feel Leo’s warm rays of sunshine, enabling relationships to work remarkably well.

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You have nothing to fear at this time, as you will be welcomed with open arms

There is a positive fire Trine in the sky and it is in operation for the day’s entirety.

A Trine is an aspect created when two celestial bodies are positioned approximately 120 degrees apart.

This only adds to the urge to seek-out some fun, as you will not be disappointed.

The Moon is best thought of as acting as go-between for astrology’s star-crossed lovers, Venus and Mars.

Today is a heart-warming day and as good a time as any to hunt-out the very thing you desire the most.

And as the Moon and Venus get the loving flow going, you are certainly sure to feel all-the better.

As this short day begins to wind-down, it is Mars in Aries that take centre stage.

This pair engage in a Trine with the Moon, taking love and desire to the next level.

It is a turbo-charged Saturday night so why not make the most of it?

This is because the Moon will imminently enter Virgo, meaning you may swiftly lose your mojo.

So express your love while you can and make the first Saturday of the year count.

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