How to get rid of fruit flies from the home, according to a cleaning expert

As the nation looks set to be hit by a mini-heatwave, one downside of the hotter weather is the increasing amount of insects entering our homes.

Though the presence of a couple of moths of spiders may, at most,cause some people to have a fright, other insects do more than raise our heart rates.

In fact, one insect that can cause a lot more complicated issues are fruit flies.

While you may try your hardest to shoo them away, getting rid of the pesky pests for good requires a cleverier and longer term plan.

Luckily, one cleaning expert on TikTok has come up with an easy hack that could have you kissing goodbye to swathes of fruit flies for good.

According to Jen, also known as user@cleanwithjen, all it takes is a small plastic container.

Posting a video to her social media page, Jen told her 932,000 followers that her kitchen often attracts fruit flies each summer before revealing her tip.

The cleaning sensation stated that mashing fruit into a plastic container and covering it with cling film was a good way of gathering the insects.

“Grab yourself a container and mush up some fruit, I chose strawberries,” she said.

“Then you're going to cover your container with some cling film and pierce some very small holes into the top of the film. Then just leave it out on the counter.

“The flies will be attracted to the smell of the fruit, they'll climb through the small holes to get to it, and they won't be able to get out again and they'll be trapped forever.

“You're welcome!”

As the video has amassed over 38,000 likes, other users were quick to praise Jen for sharing her easy hack.

“I feel like I've never noticed these flies ever before and this year I cannot move for them! I'm defo trying this,” one wrote.

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“I thought this was just me. They are everywhere just now. I'm definitely giving this a go”.

Meanwhile some TikTok users shared the own tips, with a common solution involving apple cider vinegar.

“I did the same trick but with cider vinegar. Issue now solved!” commented one.

Another agreed and added: “I do this with apple cider vinegar. They always just come out of nowhere and then all of a sudden there’s loads!!!”

The quick tip comes afterfans of Mrs Hinch revealed how using essential oils was an effective way of ridding homes of spiders.

“I wash my floors and then I go over with a mixture of water and peppermint oil, so easy,'' said one Facebook user.

“Peppermint oil with a drop of water in a spray bottle. Squirt round vents on windows, walls, near your front and back doors,” another added.

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