PTSD is not just for soldiers: How Louise Thompson is smashing stereotypes

For many women, giving birth is a joyous and transformative event as new life is brought into the world. But for some new mums, the experience can prove to be traumatic.

Louise Thompson has recently spoken out about her experiences, revealing she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following the birth of her first child.

After giving birth to her son Leo-Hunter in November, the former Made In Chelsea star spent five weeks in hospital and has since suffered from “depressive panic episodes” that can last for hours or days on end.

She recently wrote on Instagram: “When I’m having one I can’t function, I can’t look after myself, let alone anyone else around me. I can’t even spell my name. I can’t see, I can’t hear, I can’t look anyone in the eye.

“They have got so bad that I have convinced myself that I’m going crazy. I feel depersonalisation, hyper paranoia as if I’ve taken a million and one drugs and I feel like I’m stuck in another realm. I am not myself."

Affecting four in 100 people in England, PTSD is an anxiety disorder that is caused by distressing events, often manifesting itself through frightening flashbacks and nightmares.

The condition, which was previously known as ‘shellshock’, rose to the attention of psychologists around the time of World War One when men returned from the battlefield struggling to process their experiences in the trenches. But more than century later, the stereotypes surrounding PTSD continue to paint the disorder as being something that solely affects men and military veterans.

OK! spoke exclusively to Dr Earim Chaudry, Medical Director of men’s health platform Manual, about these stereotypes as well as how many women – like Louise – are diagnosed with PTSD following childbirth.

“Many people traditionally view PTSD as something that only affects men, specifically individuals that have experienced war,” Dr Chaudry explains.

“However, PTSD is actually more than twice as likely to affect women compared to men, particularly affecting women who have experienced traumatic childbirth.

“Postnatal Depression affects around 30,000 women in the UK each year and can occur after many complications. These include difficult or long labour, unplanned C-section, emergency treatments or other traumatic incidents. These experiences can have a negative effect on your relationship with your baby and the people around you for weeks, months, or even years after your birth."

As Louise highlights in her post, PTSD may have both a physical and mental aspect, with symptoms having a significant impact on day-to-day life.

“Many new mothers who suffer from postnatal depression experience vivid flashbacks of their trauma, as well as intrusive thoughts, nightmares and even anxiety, excessive sweating and extreme nausea. These experiences can be both stressful for the mother and those around her,” says Dr Chaudry.

“However, there are various treatments that can help relieve the stress caused by PTSD, especially in new mothers. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is hugely effective. Recent studies suggest that CBT can be 50-75% effective in combating anxiety and depression, by as little as five sessions.

“Visiting a specialist can also be an effective treatment for postnatal depression. Charities such as the British Trauma Association offer professional support specifically for PTSD after childbirth. They also hold events meaning that new mothers can come together and share their experiences, which many people find useful,” he adds.

With the stigma surrounding PTSD and postnatal depression preventing many women from getting help, fans have taken to Louise’s Instagram to applaud the 31 year old for raising awareness of the condition, with some even sharing their own experiences of living with PTSD.

“Yesterday I was discharged from PTSD Therapy after a traumatic birth 10 months ago," one user wrote. "The PTSD Therapy for me was life-saving. Of course, it isn't easy, and it's often distressing, but I genuinely believe I wouldn't be here, a present and, dare I say it, GOOD mother, without it.

"It can take a long time, and feel like a really long road, but I feel like I've made it through now, and I hope you find hope from stories like mine."

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Another user added: “I have PTSD after a traumatic birth 14 years ago with my eldest also. You are not alone. I want to offer some hope to you that in time things do become more manageable.

"You are in the worst time of it right now and you are doing your best fighting on daily. Thank you for raising awareness and also I’m sure it’s cathartic for you to get out your feelings out also. You’ve got this keep fighting warrior.”

With the likes of Louise speaking out, Dr Chaudry encourages anyone who suspects they may have postnatal PTSD to find the courage and to seek help from a medical professional.

“If you feel as though you may be suffering from PTSD, make sure to visit your GP who will be able to offer your support and provide you with suitable treatments,” he says.

For support and advice on PTSD, visit the NHS website.

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