‘Simple online maths tool showed me daughter was on right on track at school’

School life during the pandemic has been tough for everyone

Parents quickly upskilled to enable them to teach their young sons and daughters.

Older pupils took part in Zoom calls with their teachers and online assessments.

The reception class of 2019/2020 was unique in that as soon as the little ones found their feet and were really getting into school life, in came lockdown.

While you could argue that a similar situation happened again to their 2020/2021 successors, there was certainly a period of 'what on Earth are we going to do?' in spring of last year that hasn't exactly been repeated.

Home-schooling, classes on tablets and doing PE in your PJs with Joe Wicks. Throw in the havoc of home-working parenthood, it was an odd time.

The Mirror says children have been every bit as resilient and adapting as we often give them credit for – but parents wondered if the disruption affected their son or daughter's education.

For English, particularly in the key foundation years, parents say it's quite easy to get a rough idea of how they're doing.

They can see how their offspring's writing is shaping up or will surprise them by reading something on the shopping list.

But when it comes to maths it can be trickier. Apart from counting and basic addition and taking away, parents are never sure what a five to six-year-old should be able to tackle.

Maths-Wizz is a virtual maths tutor for children five years and up.

It's like a human tutor except it's a computer programme and it challenges a student on things it knows they need help with.

How does it know what they need to work on? Well, before a child uses Maths-Wizz they are asked to take an initial test (about 45 minutes long) and this allows the programme to work out where they are with their maths – what they're quick at figuring out and what needs some more practice.

It also works out something which is particularly interesting, especially during these 'unprecedented times' – a maths age.

A maths age is essentially a child's core mathematical knowledge put in a number. That might sound like an abstract concept but it is easy enough to understand – a maths age of 8.5, for example, means a student is performing at the overall level you would expect of an eight-and-a-half year old.

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One of the initial hesitations parents had with having this magic number was that if their son or daughter got wind of her 'age' and it was lower than her actual age, they would feel disheartened.

But it turns out there are two-sides to Maths-Whizz.

In short, parents get the stats and figures of their child's maths age and how it's progressing, while the kids get the fun colourful games and exercises and are rewarded with in-game currency and diamonds.

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